St. Jago Champions Members

During these uncertain times, it is more important than ever to connect with each other and our community. The St. Jago Alumni Association has come up with a number of ways for all of us to bridge the gap of years and distance, and to create space within the digital landscape for relationships to thrive.
Coach John Cente
Dr. Eric Blake
Bobby Jarrett
Mike Gong
Wayne Woollrey
Ian Bartley
Quayne Baccas
Roland Mcdermot
Steve Slowly
Andrew Henriques
Anthony White
Mark Riley
Dwayne Vaughan
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Carl Page
Rodney Greensword
Patrick Henriques
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Noel Barrett
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Kevin West
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Ricardo Williams
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Keturie Williams
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Carlton Lee
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Warren Johnson
David Palarchie
Lenworth Johnson
Andew Sinclair
Oval Kneeling
Roger Brady
Jermaine Weir
Orville Ingram
Eaton Evans
Chris Mills
Vincent Lewis
Tony Brown
Xavier Shorter
Ralston Murray
Ewart Ricketts
Rocky Blackwood
Michael Nicholson
Shermon Calneck
Nigel Powell
Nigel Powell
Ricardo Palmer
Marlon Wiggan
Linval Banfield
Edwin Duffus
John Hanson
Kirk Treleven
Gladston Cameron
Ottmar Wainwright
James Prince
Karal Davis
Diego Edwin
Mark Hill
Manzo Robinson
Edgerton Mitchell
Syan Williams
Paul Bernard
Derrick Gayle
Andrew Kidd
Calvin Bartley
Dwayne Lambert
Robert Parnell
Brian Shorter
Hilton Hill
Marcus Thomas
Clifford Richards
Orville Clarke
Richard Nicely